About us

We are a small team based in Switzerland close to Bern (the capital) who enjoy riding motorcycle for discover countries in Europe and surroundings. On our homepage we can share with you our experiences and descriptions with relatively important indications for those who would like to do the same like us. We are not professionals of the road and we do not want to pretend so much but having had some beautiful adventures, we would like to share our discoveries and who knows ... maybe soon on the roads with some crazy guy like us.

Daniel Battiston

BMW R1200 GS Adventure (model 2016)
Profile: He likes to discover new horizons and landscapes of all countries. With his experience and agility of driving on any kind of road, he took the nickname of "BATMAN", which aligns well with his look and technical equipment of his motorbike.
Favorite expression: We are not anywhere yet (in CH-German: "Mir si no niäne")

Cirino (Rino) Paladino

BMW R1200 GS Adventure (model 2016)
Profile: He like to discover the different mentalities as well as the local culinary cuisines of each country. Since he ended up in a river in Georgia and he had to get out of it without making too much damage to his bike, he took the nicknameof the "Swimmer".
Favorite expression: I'm hungry (in CH-French: "J'ai faim")

Some news

Sunday, 21. April 2024 - 13:43 Clock
Ducati Multistrada V4 Rally Review

In the past 35 years of World Superbike racing, Ducati has won 15 riders championships, and 18 manufacturers titles, so it knows a thing or two about making high-performance, high-tech motorcycles. Sportbikes had been the company’s bread and butter for decades. Bikes like the 851, 888, 916, 996, 998, 999, 1098, 1198, Panigale V2s, and now V4s are on the tip of the tongue of any Borgo Panigale enthusiast. But you know what current bike in the lineup Ducati says is its most technologically advanced model ever? The Multistrada V4 Rally.
Follow the link above for more details...

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Our motorbike trips

Tour 2010 - The Tyrol

Switzerland, Italy, Austria - Our first official tour with two motorcycle rather for standard roads, more suited to central Europe than the south. This tour allowed us to understand the basic needs and establish an organization adapted to the needs of motorcyclists.

Tour 2011 - Alps & Apennins & Adria

Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy- So many mountains and passes, well here is a route that gave us great satisfaction in driving the motorcycle, as well as a great pleasure for the eyes. The seaside and Istria also showed us this can be visited without going too far from home.

Tour 2012 - The Pyrenees

Switzerland, France, Spain, Andorra, France- The france is not that to make of croissant and wine of burgundy, but also of very beautiful winding roads, especially if it is off the motorway, which we advise against. The arrival in the Pyrenees was a great change of scenery and showed us the great quality of the Spanish roads as well.

Tour 2013 - Italy & Adriatic

Switzerland, Italy, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia - "La dolce vita" is really the right expression that defines this tour and above all, which gives an idea of what can be found in the countries visited. A few steps from Switzerland, the countries visited we climbed incredibly beautiful landscapes and above all an impressive mixture of culture.

Tour 2014 - North Africa & Spain

Switzerland, France, Spain, Morocco - For the first time, we used a trailer to arrive quickly in spain and this in a single feature (1400km). Then by taking a ferry, we arrived quite quickly on the Spanish enclave of Melila, forte essensielle to arrive in Morocco. The journey in this beautiful and calm country has fascinated us and given a new Moroccan cultural sense, which deserves the detour.

Tour 2015 - The Balkans

Switzerland, Austria, Hunary, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Rumania - As incredible as this laziness, we have crossed 13 countries, some more beautiful than others. The cultures as well as the local peoples who have crossed our way, we have shown the complexity of all these regions which we advise everyone to do the same experience.

Tour 2016 - Caucasus & Turkey

Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey - Our first tour outside the standard europe, still today the one that brought us the most cultural pleasure. Roads not always tarred and sometimes, ending in river and soft earth. Amazing experience with a ferry ride on the Black Sea and across Turkey. Motorbike tour highly recommanded!

Tour 2017 - Northern Europe (Scandinavia)

New - Last motorbike tour

GERMANY - DENMARK- NORWAY - SWEDEN -FINLAND - RUSSIA - ESTONIA - LATVIA - LITUANIA - POLAND - Definitely the biggest tour in terms of distance with more than 5'500km, including two passages on the Atlantic and North Sea (Golf Botnhia). The cultural shock between Finland rather Western europe mentality and Russia which is strongly industrialized but while maintaining local values (especially outside the cities). The Scandinavian and North Europe including the Balsic coutries, was a beautiful mix of cultures, also one of the most beautiful destination in Europe.

Tour 2018 - Eastern Europe

POLAND - BELARUS - UKRAINE - MOLDAVIA - ROMANIA - This tour has confirmed the beauty of the landscapes of Eastern Europe and even if people are at first, a little discreet, they become very friendly and open from the moment the conversation begins. After having obtained a visa for a few days for Belarus, the transition from Poland to Belarus in destination of Ukraine is done quite easily. Only one small remark (which could disturb more than one), remains the waiting time at the border to enter the country => almost 5 hours between queuing and control. The total course was around 3800 km, a correct distance for low averages of 280km, with three days of total (good break for the muscles and the mind). important: Make sure to have the EST EUROPE covered in your ensurance (green card), especialy for Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus....

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